

Effexor crunches at the back of the throat
   a baby toy or distant snake warning.
If I overdose on antidepressants will I
   die of happiness?
40 mgs of Prozac and a shot of Jack daily
   and I feel normal
(if normal is getting out of bed today).
Take two of these and never call me again.
It takes more than Vicoden
   to make the pain go away.
Zoloft is cliché and where all the kiddies
   begin (if you don’t count Ritilin).
Xanax is for panic attacks, but I take it too late,
   and I have unreasoning anxiety I’ll run out.
Where it says refills: my doctor put a sideways 8.
I’m on a chemical search for functionality.
A little dose of reality. The problem I have is
   it attacks my rigidity,
And I can’t get myself to ask for Viagra
   just so I can jerk off.

Thank God for Cialis. 4 Hour erections!

christopher.... '05

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